The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Half Way to 92

Another birthday...

I'm another year old and, I hope, another year wiser.  Lots has happened in this last year.  Both my kids continue to grow and expand their minds.  I think they're becoming regular little citizens with a good sense of community and fair play.  My wife and I still enjoy each other's company, so there's that.  My dog still loves me.

Last year was a good year for my writing.  I have a short story set to appear in a future issue of Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine.  I have a few other stories waiting with strong "maybes", one at a magazine, the other with an anthology.  My novel, Herne, was submitted to the Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Now, Anywhere But Here First Novel Prize in the hopes that lightning might strike twice.

But that's last year.  What about now?

Well, I've started a new novel.  I'm also sussing out an idea for a short story that I've had brewing in my mind for a few years now.  I've also applied to attend Clarion West Writers Workshop.  If accepted, I'll be spending six weeks in Seattle this summer writing and learning like a mad man.

With the garage finished, I need to sketch out a rough plan for our front porch and we'll need to consider landscaping around the garage.  In the garage, I've finally got around to organizing my tools.  Maybe I'll finally finish those last bits of trim in the bathroom...

It promises to be a busy year and at the ripe old age of 46, I'm looking forward to it.

Fun Fact:  The Wham-O Frisbee is Exactly ten years older than me!

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