Nestled close to the wall, hiding behind an old oil heater and a cream separator I very nearly literally stumbled upon what I can only assume had left the thousands of almond sized and shaped turds we had found in the shed. It was a very large and very shy porcupine. We shooed him off to the other side of the drive shed to continue our work. My sister decided we should call him Fluffy. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture.
In an old shoe box in the drive shed my sister discovered some rolled-up and flattened papers from high school. Discoloured with age and twenty-five years in a damp shed were a couple of pieces of original artwork from artist and friend of mine, Stuart Immonen. You can find out more about Stuart here and here.
The original artwork was returned to Stuart's custody this weekend and these images are used with his kind, if reluctant, permission. Our high school friends might recognize a few of the faces in the sketch above.
Here's some more artwork.
This is the cover art for EVOLVE TWO - Vampire Stories of the Future Undead. My short story, Symbiosis, will appear on page 87 of this anthology when it comes out in August. It can be pre-ordered from Amazon by clicking here.