The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Well, this is new:  has been live for a couple of weeks, but it is a work in process.  I've been working with FHT Solutions  to get it up and running and we now have the site where I'm comfortable talking about it here.

I am by no stretch of the imagination a web designer, so I very much appreciate the help FHT Solutions has provided.  I've been fumbling with getting content on the site, but for me it is a slow learning curve.  It'll come - just takes time.

The goal was to have something up and running before the family and I head to England at the end of the month for the Pratchett Prize Award party.  I received my official invitation via e-mail this week, which has added a whole new level of excitement for the family (and me too, if I'm honest).  It promises to be quite the posh event at Europe's largest bookstore.

Eventually we hope to integrate this blog into the website.  It can apparently be done - Blogger appears to allow for a fairly seamless integration - and we will figure it out.  Until then, I'll be adding a link to the website here and have added a link to the blog there.

Soon there will be content such as a few short stories and some poetry, maybe a bio and some contact information.  Right now these are baby steps, so please be patient.