The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Norman Rockwell Moments

Every year our local library has a Book Sale.  Since our lovely Carnegie Library has a finite amount of space, annually they offer up well loved books to the community for a princely sum of $5.00 per bag of books.  Each year the Beynon family, bibliophiles all, walk down early to hunt for treasures.  This year, prior engagements kept us away from the library until late in the afternoon  -about a half hour before the library closed.  I thought all the real treasures would have gone, but I was wrong.

Sitting right out on top was this:

It's a beautiful book with a complete history of Rockwell's life and features spectacular pull-outs like this:

Click on the image for the full effect.

And after we got the book it seemed to me that I was seeing Rockwell Moments everywhere.  As I walked the boy to school yesterday morning - I with his back pack and with the dog on her leash and he carrying a basketball under his arm - I noticed a couple of drivers look and smile at the scene.

In fact, on the Sunday I was able to snap this picture, which I could see as a Rockwell painting:

Last night we went for a walk in the Elora Gorge - a few miles from our house.  Again, Rockwell moments abounded.

Here's one:

And another:

As we were leaving the magnificent natural splendor of the gorge the wee  lad found something decidedly NOT Norman Rockwell.  This has more of a Roswell feel to it, as you can tell from the look on the boy's face:

Again - click on the image for the full effect...