The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 24 January 2011

Another trip around the sun

Yesterday I commenced my 45th trip around the sun.

It was a low key day with lovely handmade cards from the kids, lunch at a sushi restaurant and a dinner with the couple across the road.  Today, I'm left wondering how I feel about being 44.  The thing is, aside from some occasional aches and pains, I don't feel 44.  Or maybe I do and just don't know what 44 is supposed to feel like.

I make my resolutions on my birthday - not January 1st -  and so far, I haven't broken any. Will I share my resolutions?  I don't think so, but I may have achieved my first resolution and might only be waiting confirmation. I hope to have some news to share soon.

Anyway, if I'm to keep another resolution I need to stop writing on this blog and begin writing something else.