The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 4 January 2010

Taking stock...

After Christmas comes the New Year.

Happy New Year to all, by the way.

Every New Year we tend to take stock of where we're at and where we're going.

This morning I had a list - yes, a bona fide LIST - of thing to get done to meet the New Year properly.  But before I got to the list I went to the gym.  (Actually, that was kind of on the list, too)

After four and one half miles on the elliptical machine and some stretching and free weights for good measure, I was ready to tackle the list head on.  The first item required a trip to nearby Guelph (printer ink and a replacement for my CPAP mask which succumbed to a design flaw last night).

Now I'm back at the desk tackling yet another list item.  Once I'm done typing this I will be taking inventory of what's in development and working out a schedule (yes, it frightens me, too!) to move them out of development and into the light of day.

After the schedule, I will be working on two new things - one, a hunk of novel length fiction I started as the holidays began - and the second is to write down a scene which I half thought up - half dreamed a few nights ago about a guy awakening from a bicycle accident.  I don't have a whole story about the bicycle guy, yet, but I want to write down the scene before I lose it.

With that said, HI HO, HI HO...