The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Late nights

I had another opportunity to speak before a group last night and find that I kind of miss presenting to a room full of people.  I've been discussing a park that our local Heritage Committee is working to get build in our small town.  The project is finding a groundswell of support and I like to think it has everything to do with my wonderful persuasive skills.

Actually, it has everything to do with the concept, design and relevance - all of which I can take minimal credit for.  It's a great project.  I'll keep you posted.

I got home around 10:30 to find the kids asleep and my wife falling asleep with a book.  Only the lovely Willow decided to stay up and keep me company while I worked.  Earlier in the day I had finished a rough draft of a new story - a story short enough for a specific magazine with limited space and hence a limited word count on its submissions.  When I read it with Willow at my elbow I saw all the rough spot that needed to be polished.  My wife had also marked up a copy of the story before retiring for my consideration.  Around 1:00am I had the story at a point where I could go to bed.  I'll let it rest a couple of days, then off to the magazine.

I must be getting old.   I need a nap.