The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 16 March 2015

John Beynon September 15th, 1939 to March 16th, 1995

20 years ago today John Beynon, my father, lost a brief and brutal battle with mesothelioma.  There is not a day goes by that I don't think of him and when I think of him I feel cheated.  Even after 20 years I still feel that it is so unfair that my children never got to know him, nor he them.  But like my father taught me - life isn't fair, but we should always try our best to be fair in spite of it.  Presented in no particular order save the first couple, here's a photo journey through my dad's life.