The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


After the deep freeze comes the thaw - or close enough.

The last few days have been flirting with the happy side of the freezing point.  Spring can't come too soon in these parts.  I was, however, speaking this morning with a local oldtimer who was saying that this winter really wasn't any worse than the ones we routinely had thirty years ago and you know what - he's right.  When I was a kid I remember tobogganing down the snowdrift that formed annually over our drive shed.  We haven't had too many "over the drive shed" winters in recent years.  I guess we can put up with one every now and then.  

The last few weeks have been busy ones for me.   There's a project I kind of volunteered to chair for our local Heritage Committee.  It's for a little park to commemorate an influential family in my town's history.  As the park edges closer and closer to becoming reality I find myself becoming increasingly more involved.  I'm not complaining - it's kind of cool to be a part of something that will last forever (the lot where the park is to be built has been vacant since the town survey of 1853-54 so once it's a park, it'll always be a park) but the project is devouring my time.  

I have found time, however, to work on the rewrite of Patriot.  As of about a half hour ago I have re-written three of the chapters to a point where I'm satisfied they work.  When the novel is completely rewritten I'll be able to judge if I'm completely satisfied that they work.

I have also been out and about with the camera.  Due to the shifting weather there has been a host of spectacular scenery to shoot.  Maybe tomorrow I'll post some of the pictures.

Must go - my fourth chapter of Patriot is waiting...