The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

The more things change the more they stay the same...

Well, Loremaster has been tweaked and prodded to the point of distraction but I am waiting for some editorial advice from my beloved before printing off this final version to submit. I discovered while on vacation that the chapter numbering was askew and needed fixing and there are a bunch of minor technical fixes needed to clean things up. Once those are taken care of I'll be submitting the whole damn manuscript, all 600+ pages of it, to the good people at DAW.

In the works are a short-story I feel I'm going to end up being very proud of and I'll need to fill out and submit a form for this year's 3 Day Novel Contest. This is the 30th year for the contest and last year produced a very crisp novella, The Platinum Ticket (currently on submission to Analog Magazine). I'm toying with two ideas for this year's contest. The basic idea is to write a short novel between midnight Friday and midnight Monday over Labour Day Weekend. It was a thrill last year so I'm doing it again.

A little news on the employment front...I have signed on to sell packaging once again. This time I have attached myself to a small, independent organization that values people and results, everything my former workplace did not. The people are great, there's lots of support and these guys understand the importance of properly servicing your customers. I'm looking forward to my partnership with them.

Though I will be selling packaging, I have discovered (or rediscovered) how much I love writing and have built time into each day to continue my various projects. There are a lot of great stories rattling around inside this old head and I'm determined to get them out.