The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Back to the Antlered Man

It has been a difficult month all around.  I find myself emotionally hypersensitive to everything.  On the weekend the family went to the local Museum and Archives where I found myself tearing up as I read a letter from a school girl to a sailor from the Second World War.  I've been unable - or maybe unwilling - to sit down and write anything, but I've run out of excuses to stay away from the keyboard.

In the weeks before Christmas I revisited my novella, The Platinum Ticket, rewriting it and building it into a novel.  I really enjoyed the process and, although I haven't re-read the finished product yet, think it grew into a pretty decent novel.

I have two other novellas which could stand to grow into novels.  Patriot may be the best thing I've written.  It is certainly my favourite.  Patriot will be lengthened to a novel some day, but not just yet.

Herne is a story I wrote a few years back for the 3 Day Novel contest.  Last night I pulled out a marked-up copy of the manuscript and read over a few sections.  As I read, I saw opportunities to make Herne so much more than what it is right now.  Don't get me wrong - it's a fine story as it is, but last night I saw real potential for a much better bit of writing.

I was contemplating a new project before this difficult month began and it looks like something has surfaced from all of the chaos.   So be it.  Herne it is.

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