The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 1 February 2010

A piece of paper, a prediction and a grant

Well, this came in the mail the other day...

It also arrived with a little hand written note from Melissa Edwards, the managing editor, congratulating me on my 3rd 3 Day Novel entry.  The certificate will be tacked to the bulletin board with the other two along with  this:


That is my best guess at the identity of the winner of the 2010 3 Day Novel Contest.  Here's a hint - it's not me.

This afternoon I headed off to our township's council chambers for a little meeting and ran into one of the reporters for the local paper.  He has entered the 3 Day Novel Contest in the past and we spoke of the results, our respective efforts and how there doesn't seem to be much of a market for fiction of a length that can be produced over a long weekend.  That said, my polishing of Herne continues.

Now, why was I at the council chambers this afternoon? A while ago I mentioned a bit of good news that I wasn't able to talk about regarding our Heritage Committee's park, BT Corner. You remember the pretty entry sign?

I am happy to report that I was on hand to announce to council our success in receiving a grant to cover most of the costs for the outstanding portions of the park.  There's still a statue and another grant to write, but it was gratifying to know that the funds are there for the park to be essentially finished this spring.

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