The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Classic Lines

Last week was Heritage Week here in Ontario.  As proud members of of our local Heritage Committee, we celebrated by presenting certificates to those local businesses which have taken some extra effort (and expense) to maintain and restore their heritage properties.

One of the many businesses honoured this week was the Grand Theatre in Fergus.  The theatre received extensive renovations last year with more to come during the summer of 2010.  This theatre will continue to delight audiences for generations to come.

While we were presenting the award, I couldn't help seeing this imposing sight in the lobby:

I walked over and spoke with the woman in the ticket office.  The Grand Theatre went through a few decades as a movie house.  This item sat in the lobby during those years dispensing candy.  Yes, this is a candy machine.

If you click on the images, you should be able to see a lot of the details.

When the theatre reverted to use as a place for live entertainment, folks must have thought that a candy machine had no business being there and it was sold.  Well, according to the lovely woman at the ticket office,  the woman who purchased this machine recently moved into a retirement apartment.  As she was making preparations for the move, she asked the management of the Grand Theatre if they would like to have the machine back.  There was no hesitation - the answer was YES.

I am told the machine - and I don't like to call something so stylish and beautiful a machine, but that's what it is - will be restored and possibly refitted to once again sell candy.  Currently the mechanisms are all set to vend goodies for the low, low price of a handy beaver nickel.

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