The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 25 January 2010

A little older and a little wiser...I hope.

On Saturday I turned 43.

As I've said before, since I have a January birthday, the New Year's resolutions come into play at that time.  It has thus been a very busy day for me.  After a morning workout, during which I admittedly overdid it, I headed straight into my basement office to get to work on The Edgeling 2.  I've had a successful day, both in quality and quantity.

As I was heading down to my office, my lovely wife said to me, "Have you been using your Dragon NaturallySpeaking program?"  I told her that I hadn't, not lately.  She suggested that maybe I should.  Although I didn't use the speech recognition software while I was writing today, I think I will tomorrow.  This blog entry has been composed entirely ( with the exception of "The Edgeling 2", which it doesn't recognize) through the spoken word.  It is astounding how fast the words find their way onto the page when you don't have to type the damn things.

The celebration of my birthday included an amazing lunch of All-You-Can-Eat Sushi at a place called, curiously enough, Hockey Sushi.  Don't let the name fool you.  For an all-you-can-eat place, Hockey Sushi serves up some excellent fare.  During the drive to and from lunch, the family had an opportunity to talk about our upcoming trip to the United Kingdom.  We discussed all of the different things we hope to see during our short two week vacation there.  I'll share more details in future updates.

Another item of note - on my birthday it was so mild that when we got home from lunch the children asked if we could go for a bike ride.  A bike ride on January 23rd?

How on earth could you ever say no to that?

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