The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Monday, 7 December 2009

It's starting to look a lot like...


One day you're remembering your nation's war heroes and the next the man in the red suit is getting set to squirm down your chimney.   I looked at the calendar and sure enough, it's only eighteen days 'til the big event.  The kids are right - it is time to decorate.

Last night we cleared a spot and hauled the tree up from the basement.  Now. the whole tree decorating thing has never been a big thrill for me, but when I see the kids actually cooperating toward a shared goal - well, you've just got to love that.

So the tree is up and, weather permitting, I imagine the outdoor lights might be going up tonight.

There was also a birthday around here and it was one that we almost missed.

That's right - the lovely Willow is now eight years old.  The kids insisted we do it right and get her treats and a new toy.  Unlike this particular picture, she was thrilled with her birthday gifts.

This weekend my wife and I attended a murder mystery dinner party hosted by our local BIA.  It was well-attended with local merchants, restaurateurs and even a local council member and the township's mayor.  I am glad to report that I neither murdered nor was murdered through the course of the evening.  My wife cannot make the same claim.

I know that I promised some pictures of our new, used car, but the safety discovered some invisible issues that are being dealt with.  I should get the car back today and pictures will follow.

I need to get back to writing so I'll leave you with this picture.

And yes, that is the beard.

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