The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon

The Platinum Ticket by David Beynon
Shortlisted for The Terry Pratchett Anywhere But Here, Anywhen But Now First Novel Prize

Friday, 19 June 2009

A really, really good day

Just a quick note this evening -

Took a trip this morning with my wife and daughter to check out the new school she'll be going to in September (the daughter, not the wife). She is entering a gifted program in the fall and today was our opportunity to learn more about the school and meet the teachers and the principal. After a couple of somewhat rough years of behaviour from my daughter stemming from boredom, it was a relief to all of us to see a place where she'll be challenged.

After I got home I cut the grass and when finished I stood in the middle of the freshly mowed lawn looking at my surroundings. The garden is clean and crisp and beautifully park-like.

I went into the house and found a message waiting for me from the wrought-iron guy who made the metal sign for the little park our Heritage Committee is working on. He told me he was about to hang it and I should get my ass down there. I took a leisurely stroll with the dog in tow to BT Corner, all the while marvelling at what a gorgeous little town I live in. When I got there he was just mounting the sign. He showed me the holes he was drilling, explained the materials used and the welding process and then passed me the epoxy which would cement the sign in place to look at. I helped him install the sign and stood back and was very well pleased with the result. I have pictures but we don't unveil until tomorrow.

While Ray (that's the wrought-iron guy) and I were fiddling with the sign, a lovely woman from The Scottish Shop - a store across the street from BT Corner - came walking over with a stainless steel bowl of water for my dog. Again, I just felt overwhelmed by the feeling of community in my little town.

Tonight my daughter is at a friend's house for a sleepover, so my son, his mother and I had a picnic dinner and finished it all off with some fishing at the foot of the local dam. Countless catfish and a single, feisty rock-bass in case you were wondering.

The boy has fallen asleep and I just got back in from trimming our little Dr. Seuss-like tree in front of the house. While out there our neighbour across the road came over for a chat. I recommended the latest Clint Eastwood movie (Grand Torino - rent it) then told her about some of the events going on in town tomorrow.

I look back and think I had a really, really good day.

And now I have to bake a cake for our dinner date tomorrow...Caramel Layer Cake...mmmmm

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